Control Someone Else's Arm With Your Brain

Have you ever had the desire to lose your free will? Or, alternatively, have you ever had the desire to take someone's free will?

Yes?  You are in for a real treat!

We have all seen the magic. And this, like the others, is all science.

We can control others arms with our brain. Yes, it's true. We were going to connect two wires on your elbows. And two wires on the other person's elbow. And BOOM. If you move your arm now, the other person will not be able to move his arm according to his own will. Isn't it the coolest brain hack ever?
See this video (TED Talk by Greg) to learn more.

I know! I have been there. I was thrilled after watching this.

You can build this device yourself.

Yup, that's true too. All it takes is a simple DIY kit. After All, Greg Gage's aim is to make brain science accessible to all. You can find everything you need to make this device on Backyard Brains, founded by Greg himself. Below is the link to the detailed instruction on how to make this device.

Greg demonstrating the equipment at a TED talk.

How does this device work?

The way in which our brain communicates with rest of our body is through electronic impulse. Nerves in your body carry messages from the brain in form of electric signal. What goes hand in hand with electric signals? Yes, Potential Difference(Voltage).
What if we are able to record these Potential Difference(Voltage) generated during the flow of electronic signals through our nerves? What if we reapply this recorded potential difference on the same nerves of another person? And there you go.

Stay tuned for more cool articles.

A complete nut, absolutely nuts about coding and bots.
I'm a ridiculously ridiculous geek, who is mad about Robotics, Computer Science, and Artificial Intelligence.


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